Its been a really hectic two weeks. ( life is always hectic ) (it has been raining alot lately too ) So finally a short three days weekend for me because its goooood Friday tomorrow which also means more homework so damit plus tuition tomorrow. urg. ( I really need a break ) Tests after tests this few days and prelim orals next Monday. Celebrated Wai Yee's birthday on Sunday and Monday. Am really glad that she was surprised and happy. so happy birthday Chin ( doubt you will ever see this) but whatever I wanted to say is at the insta video and I shall not expose what I type.
" bu yao pai , bu yao pai "
we celebrated for her but she wanted to kill us with the cake knife. such a good friend
Im supposed to post pics of chin but her couz is so adorbz I cant.
& there's this bakery that came to our school to sell cakes. Their cakes is like the bomb , even tho I accidentally choke on the chocolate truffle bc of the cocoa powder. ( yes , I bought the chocolate truffles ) In case you are wondering where those delicious cakes are , I will type the link down but I'm really lazy to take a picture of it and its crushed because I didn't protect it enough till I come home so.....

their chocolate truffles that I think its famous ( bc they finished a few packet of samples )
okay I stole this from their facebook....
heres the link :
a few bites wouldnt hurt and the price is really affordable ( or at least to me bc its selling in my school for a day for $4 )
Had the annual leaders investiture today. It was my last one and probably the best one for my 4 years in secondary school. I guess it is pretty interesting although I didn't help much in the prep due to personal reasons, I'm glad it turned out well ( more than I expected ) And its the first year we had leaders who performed. & I'm one of the performers. It was extremely fun, at least to me. But apparently my dance partner kept forgetting his steps. urg. I want to punch him for being such a loser best friend and he was on the verge of leaving me alone to dance I swear. Gave out loads of affirmation cards. I did most of them last minute, hence I didn't do for everyone. Now I feel so guilty D: to add on the misery , there were even juniors who ignored me because I forget to write for them. I feel so extremely guilty.... Nevertheless, I hope I made the juniors who once dislike me to change their thoughts on me even tho I didnt really have the means to make them dislike me. If they still do , well , let the haters hate. Pictures down below.
invest rehearsal
dance prep
waiting for our turn to get badged
super blur fam pic without daddy credits to louz photographer Lize
with my favourite and only son
seng weeeeeeee
haiz such a cute junior
with my china boy
ahah at teck
blur king
one of my fav teacher of all times
zhao jie
I think I have too many cute juniors ( prob cause I'm cute)
with ben
with the head prefect after going for cold war with him for two weeks. wow.
with Bel
with the derpprincess heheh
with cheryl
one of the juniors who confessed he dislike me but after I gave him a card and he explained how he felt about me. Nevertheless, glad the misunderstanding is cleared.
with Hairil
always my fav boy
because I didnt take a pic with the dance partner so #throwback
Realised how most of my post is just introducing the people I take with ? I'm totally clueless with caption. #suckerineverything. I'm extremely lazy to continue blogging so I'm gonna post pics about school and toodles.
okay thats all.....
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