So the first bunch of people I hung out with was munshi. On Monday. We planned to ice skate but apparently , our poor time management skills made us late for the time slot. And it would be a waste of money if we spend it on ice skating so we ended up catching a movie instead. And we watched the lion men 2. The movie wasn't bad , I would say moderate compared to maleficient ( no offence to the lion men fans ) Can't stop fangirling to Kwok about how cute Charlie and how charismatic Wei Liang was in the movie. Afterwards we are still contemplating whether ornot we should ice skate and it was already 6 at that time so 45 mins of skate time is gone. And we ended up at West gate for swensens. Its been so long since I last ate swensens tho. And there was this really huge playground at west gate ,being the child-like me , my first instinct was to run to theplay ground ( obviously ) . It was like paradise for a kid. I swear. You know those ball playground at safras ? Its like that but without the balls. It was really really fun. & being someone who loves kids , I ended up playing with them and Jes and Kwok just sat there and fall asleep. Thinking about it , they are quite a cute couple. Ahah. I felt guilty cause I didn't entertain Chun & Mic. & me being super kiddish , running around , I jumped and twist my ankle. It hurts like maaaaad. Walking really hurts. And it swelled when i went home. luckily my aunt bought me some cream to apply the next day. Although not everyone came that day but I happy to see those familar faces and glad that we catched up. Hopefully, there will be another outing and hopefully , more people will come. Pictures down below,


mandatory ootd shot in the toilet of westgate mirror bc sweg

sucks to be kwok shot

I really like this pic

squeezed in tho this hole

flower power

" I really like kids "

And the next bunch , okay la not bunch la , just one person , the loser bff. Its a pity that bimbz didnt join us bc apprently her parents think that ecp is not safe for her. Meh. So the bff and I went cycling at ecp on Wednesday. Despite my ankle still hurting like a bitch , I went a head. & for the first time in forever *plays music in head* , I cycled a double bike. It was really difficult at first bc a lot of coordination is needed and both of us were nervous. There were a lot of times where we almost collide to other cyclist. But being pros , we got the hang of it in like 10 mins. I remembered where we cycled till obs and we decided to make a u-turn and then switch position . I had to go to the front. Bc I was short so I had trouble hoping up the front seat and suddenly my leg cramp. JUNGJUNGJUNG. It was really hilarious, Carine started panicking and she got off the bike and asked me to get down and suddenly the cramp went away. You should have seen Carine's expression . She was like I really don't know what to do. Ahah. We had a code word whenever we see a hot guy. *smirks* We saw Ian fang look alike , TWICE and TWICE he smirked at us. Ohmygod. melts. We watched the sunset together ( how romantic ) and ate slushies. It was super funny , we ran to the shop and it closed . & I was like shit we came here just for the slushies and it closed and I think the owner's dad saw us or something and asked us to ask the shop seller whether they want to sell us and in the end they said yes ! ( ps pris if you are reading this , the shop seller looked like CY , sucks to be you ) okay pictures down below.
sun was really goooood
vain gurl 98
bedok jetty was really pretty esp with the sun seting
Carine's lame idea
one does not simply comes to cp and not drink sugarcane
lazy to rotate it so if you wanna see , turn your laptop or computer or phone :-)
happy girls with their slushies
Thursday , I met up with Vincent and Tricia. Its been so long since I met the two of them. Vincent is in poly now so he living the more slack life while Tri & I are like madwoman studying. We went to upp Sembawang rd for this dam good pasta but I shit everything out after the meal -_____- so Idk. The price is reasonable tho a big plate of pasta for $7.50 or a bolognese for $6?? AFterwards we went to thomson plaza to study. Apprently the bucks at thomson doesnteven have aircorn -___- and its like 'sumer' in sg now so we decided to go mc at amk to study. I would say , its pretty productive , at least to me bc I manage to finish one geog paper so big yays to me ! ^____^

necessary group pic

ok my $7.50 pasta

they woke up at 6am bc rul needa go home to shower
& I didnt sleep till 6 bc talking to ying
and finding waldo

facial for Xuan

candid from phy meetup .
ok meeting xuan and ying to study tomorrow.
and hong is nagging for me to sleep.
shall try to screw my body clock back.
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