whattheheck is with my intro...Okay anyway , went for a midnight movie yesterday for the first time. (( and yes I dont know how to show you my excitment )) exactly at 12 mn. Went to amk hub to meet xuan , ying and chels. It was so funny bc my parents didnt want me home too late so if I watch maleficnt it will end at about 2.30 and I have zero interest for xmen and the next movie that is avail was the fault in our stars. I didnt want to watch tfios bc I promised the gurls I will watch it with them. So I was about to agree to watching tfios bc I had no choice when my dad called and said its okay and he will pick me up after the movie so maleficient it is! It was such a greaaaat movie. Its the best movie so far other then divergent and hunger games or maybe after I watch the faults in our stars soon with the gurls. But maleficent is such a great great movie. Its kind of like sleeping beauty (( exactly)) and Aurora was my fav disney princess so its like a bonus point for the enjoyment level of the movie. (( if there is such sentence )) If you read sleeping beauty or watched it before you will know the story even before anything happen. But everything is just from maleficient point of view.
Heres a short para about what is the movie is roughly about. Maleficient is Aurora's godmother and the movie just shows the reason why maleficient wanted to harm Aurora and her true intentions. She did it out of betrayal. Its a really heartwarming movie. I suggest you guys to watch it with you family bc it is a family movie. or watch it with your love ones. It just shows that true love does not necessarily comes from your boyfriend or whatnot but from your family. Such a heartwarming show and theres a lot of plottwist and stuff you wouldnt expect. After watching it , you will think that in every fairytale, the villians do have their story. Definetly a must watch !!
okay I have no idea why the pictures are upside down but.....
trailer hereeeeee.

side note : Angelina Jolie is so prettyy and fab.
*current girl crush
okay enough about Maleficent. So today, I chopped off 3/4 of my hair. YES THREE FREAKING QUATERS OF MY HAIR. GOD DO U FEEL MY PAIN. those 1 and a half year of me saving them , I cut them today ( technically yesterday but meh ) I think it was such a brave thing to do, kuddos to you Maytinee. The last time I had this short hair was in primary school. I specified the length I wanted to the woman and she was like okay. Then I made a mistake telling her its okay if she cut it till I can tie it. So she re point the lenth the want to cut and I already took off my specs so I cant gage but use my gut feel. sigh. So heres how I currently look like now

actually its not that bad.
& thats all sorry for the short update.
“To be the hero of your own story, you may have to be the villain in someone else’s.”
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