Finally one paper down (hopefully) . Hope it did alright. At least an A2 which is a miracle because for the past 4 years in my secondary school life I didn't hit anything higher than a B3 from what I remember. So cross my fingers. Because if its A2 I can really focus on my other subject instead of panicking whether I should go for a second chance which I might go if I hit only B4. Crossing fingers and toes.
& also finally to the supposingly one month holiday to us. But I guess all of us will be spamming ourselves with work and more work, the amount of work the teachers give to us is ridiculous and it keeps piling up. Life suck as a sec 4 student especially with so many homework. When I say cheers to the start of the holidays , I have to go back to school tomorrow because I skipped one day of school and I missed out so much. You see how much you missed with just one day of school skipped.
So anyway just a few days ago I was on my way home from nex, I saw this man beside a dustbin. He was scavenging for food. And he was eating a leftover macdonald meal that he found in the dustbin. I looked at him for a while and thought of how lucky I was. & yet I'm stil complaining about the little things in life. I complain about not getting sufficient pocket money to buy the amount of food I want to eat. (( okay I eat a lot )) & I complain about how I don't have aircorn living in such a hot country. Singapore is such an amzing country to be honest. Except without a degree or masters you can't go anywhere, unless you are lucky. I'm glad that our governments are not corrupted. Or at least I'm glad that we are all mostly well protected.
Enough of the politics stuff. I should start being blessed with the people around me too. Especially my family. I admit I have the worse temper and I have no idea how my family are able to control, yes which includes my brother. I guess they have the highest tolerance. Especially for boys. They are willing to do anything I ask them too (( unless it is something that might ruin their reputation or their gaming stuff)) Eg, I didn have dinner today and I'm sick my brother cooked dinner for me. One night while I was laying in bed, Benjamin asked me " Jie , when silbings grow up and get maried , they eventually forget their sibling, will you forget me when you grow up ? " Thats when I think, will I ? We all say we wouldnt but eventually , will we? (( in case you are wondering, yes I pamper my brother a lot as much as I don't want to. & I something think that I pampers them too much ))
Next to my family , I cherish friendship a lot. I guess I'm really blessed with the friendship I have with people. I kept saying how I'm alone. (( I mean like a girl needs reassurance right?? and we all always get insecure too )) But actually , I'm blessed with the people around me. Im blessed with Carprismay. I blessed for still being in contact with Shanice. Not only that , recently Joey (( a really really close friend of mine in primary school )) ask for a primary school gathering. I guessed it been really long since 6B last met. The only person I last met that is from mfps is Shanice and the alumni gang. The rest, no more. & I kind of miss 6B. And just recently , munshi planned an outing next friday. YAY. I can't wait. But lawa is going for survivor camp which sadly , I can't join because I had to study and catch up as much as I could. And I'm super blessed with Chungsermay. Especially, Serene. I'm super thankful to be able to sit beside her. & for her to teach me and be my listening ear. She literally listened to my whole bullcrap life 1!!!!!11!!11 can you imagined the amount of patience she have??? Okay I did listen to her stories too they were interesting. But she's one of the reason why my reasons shot up like maaaaad.& of course my two favourite boys. Who are there for me through thick and thin and listen to my daily rants. espeially Hairul who has been there from the start.
Even tho we bully you all the time Pris , we still love you. & also thanks for tolerating Carine and my princess attitude. I think you deserve super high tolerance award and also bimbo award. Blessed with the best fags.

ahah. okay I didnt have any intention to post about Darren but since he appeared on my dropbox so why not!! 4 years of friendship. & our friendship literally like on and off. We only talk to each other when we feel like it and I only talk to him about the past , hardly about the future. Or whenever he uses his phone in class and Serene and I had to confiscate his phone.

& Chin. Yayz. She has literally been through 4 years of bullshits with me. cheers to the 4th year.

& ma guliessssss. I think we are a weird bunch of gurls I swear.

ofc , CHUNGSERMAY during our little India trip.
I dont want to give up on Chung but I dont know how to help him in studies wise. Serene and I are really trying our best to help him but we dont know how. & he keeps going to Ho Keong and Zenn. Really hope that Zenn will help him. Nevertheless, bless with the 3 of you !

and the 'celebrating Soon Lee birthday ' clique
ahaha what the heck at the photobombs at the back
super happy to have meet you two boys too.

and ofc lawa. Im super blessed we are a clique. And we have been together for a year now. I know that our clique is really shaky now but I believe that rainbow comes after rain . & I know we are all trying to meet with each other's busy schedule. well have fun at survivor camp ! :)
not forgetting , the bff Sean. 4 years. Although we are not as close as before but I'm thankful to have you around to watch my back. Thanks for picking me up at the airport when no one was able to make it. study hard and better promote this year alrights!
okay thats the end of thanksgiving. I'm not sure if anyone will read it but , meh.你在你的心知道那么它足够. I should really stop bitching about people. Anyway, its 2 am now, I should head to bed but before , post some pictures of the week.

kb w the gurls after chinese os
didnt know how did this appear in my dropbox but yeah (?)

romeo romeo wherefore art thou romeo

after fetching Jeremin from Cambodia

step girls

went for Seoul Garden while Jeremin was in Cambodia . oooooops

#bestsister woke up so early to send my brother to the airport ALONE in my uniform and then rushed to school. cheh. no lah I slowly took the bus to meet Pris

korean food all day er day
guess thats all ,before I head to bed , I've finally started reading the faults in our stars!!! yayzxc & the movie is coming out , I cant wait. Im on chapter 3 but the book is already so interesting. (( yes I do read but I have no time to read at all and I have a collection of books I bought but havent read ))

some reading before bed.
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