" Why is there a bouquet of sunflowers there ? "
" Was it meant for someone ? "
" Who is this meant for ? "
" Why is this bouquet of sunflowers left here ? "
" Was it intentional or did someone left it there by accident ? "
There was pretty much a lot of questions running through my head. And obviously a typical break-up scene where the girl rejected a guy and left the flowers there. Being so curious , I read the note that was tied on to the flowers. It reads " Adopt me and like me on facebook " Or at least something that goes a long the line. It was a really pretty bouquet. And trust me sunflowers sold in Singapore is pretty pricey. Not only that , the wrapping was really nice so I presume it must cost quiet a lot. I took a pictures of the flowers , fiddled with it a bit and left for the washroom . While waiting for Pris to use to washroom , I think to myself , it was such a simple act that made me think so much about life. Not only that , it really warms my heart knowing that there are such people , willing to spend money to spread the happiness in Singapore . Although I know that this 'campaign' was not started in Singapore, but still , it just warms my heart and brought a smile to my face. It kind of made my initial-gloomy day. Although I didn't keep the flowers because firstly , my friends was with me and it will be really embarrassing to take it and secondly I believe that someone out there deserves it more than me. This made me think that , a simple gesture can really make someone's day or at least , my day. After I went back to coffee bean , I'm still able to catch a glimpse of the flower. I watched as the people walk pass , oblivious about that beautiful bouquet of flowers. No one touched it , no one picked it up and read the note. If only everyone could stop and take a look. Or I would totally love to stay and watch whoever is willing to adopt that bouquet of flowers.

And also I went to do a little more research on the lonely bouquet. We are also able to 'prepare' than 'abondon' flowers for people to adopt.
here's the website
If you have the money, do spend it wisely. Such stuff is really worth spending on , especially when you are going to put a smile on someone's face. And of any of you know who was the one who left the bouquet of sunflowers ( which I doubt so ) do drop an email to me at maytinee29august@gmail.com because I would really want to know who did it. Okay, I'm really curious okay. Or if you are to shy to email me or whatnot, just want to tell you that , what you did was really really meaningful and heartwarming. :-)
" Do good and good will come to you. "
thats all folks. x
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