Okay back to the class outing. So out of the 30 people in class, 26 people turnt up!!! Class outings were never this sucessful with this amount of people turning up! It was like one whole huge gang at sentosa/vivo but the main point is it was almost full attendance!! The day started with Pris coming to my house in the morning to pack food for the 'picnic lunch'. We made melted cheese bread , it taste amazeballs. Then we head to habourfront to be splited in our groups and started class activity. We had to dig our running man tag which was a huge burden. Because we need to get our hands dirty and bimbotic me wore my highcuts instead of my track shoes. But the meaningful thing was no matter who's group's tag we dug , we will honestly pass to them, no strings attached. After like what feels like forever , Anthony ( the game master ) decided to give those who haven't got their tags a fresh piece of paper and it's kind of drizzling so we had to head to our next station at Tanjong beach for lunch and water games. Although our time management abit cui and the water games had to be cancelled but really , the charades was really fun. We had to act out our classmates and it was super funny to watch how other people think of each other.
Afterwards its time for the run. It was a two hour game. We were split into three teams and there will be a catcher group and two mission group. The catcher group has to rip off as much people's tag as possible , from the other teams. & the mission group has to run away from the catcher and also to look for elimination and revive cards to save their teammates. The mission and catcher group will change every 20 mins. There are also spies. WHICH APPARENTLY WE DIDNT KNOW. The spies had to betray their own team and win the game. Sly. And because there were too many funny moments in this game , I shall label them ok. (OCD) Before the game started , our group decided to alliance with group 2 ( I'm in group 1 ) so we can destroy group 3 bc Ellester and Ho Keong is in that group and they are really fast runners.
funny moment part 1: I thought Chung Wang was in my group. And since he was late , he was on his way to siloso beach which was where he was supposed to meet his group at , but I started screaming like a mad woman with Jia Ying saying Chung Wang you are in our group get on the tram NOW. So he ran to the next tram station. And like when we reach the 'tram interchange' I asked him to seat closer to us. So he got down the tram. Then when he was about to get in, the tram moved. So we all panicked and started screaming. so chung wang being his wushu self, did a James Bond move and jumped in. it was freaking epic I swear
funny moment part 2: My group was the first catcher team and we were on our way to the tram station to take the tram so we can spot people easily, out of nowhere, Pris ( group 3 ) ran out towards us. And all of us ran towards her. Jia Ying grabbed her and she was like ' JIA YING WHAT GROUP ARE YOU IN " And Jia Ying just ripped it with no mercy. Her bimbo level is off the charts I swear. It was bearly like 10 mins of the game and she was eliminated.
funny moment part 3 : So since we alliance with group 2 right ? We did not manage to spread to everyone in group 2 so they technically think that we will rip off their tags. So I was running towards Carine and Serene as they run away from me. Then suddenly paper rippping sound can be heard. and at the same tme I screamed " stop running away , we are an alliance!!! " Yup and so it was too late , Zhan Li ripped off Serene's tag. and Carine was so fierce , she sreamed back " if we were an alliance WHY DID HE RIP OFF SERENEE'S TAG" hahahaha omg . #fierce
funny moment part 4 : My first hiding spot was at a gate near bushes. Then it got found out by Zhao Jie. Then I ran to 7-11 to look for Jia Ying and Wai Yee. And we stayed there for quite long. So there was two doors at 7-11. They said if anyone comes in by that door, we exit by the other door. So after waiting for so long , we decided to change our hiding spot , which is at level 2 , there is a stairs near 7-11. As we were running out , we realised that one of the doors can't open. -____- Luckily we didn't use that dumb escape plan.
funny moment part 5: when Ellester was revived the first person he ran after was the three of us. And I tried to be like Ji-hyo and lied on the sand while Wai Yee and Jia Ying linked arms. And the funny thing was unlike running man where they just pulled Ji hyo up and rip it off, Ellester didn't dare and he raged and ran to look for other people. HAHAHA.
funny moment part 6: When Jia Ying and I was dying out of thirst , we were about to buy our drinks , suddenly Yeong Meng screamed, ELLESTER IS HERE RUN, RUN. Then we just screamed and ran like mad and we ran into some Indian cafe. There was freaking PEACOCKS THERE. I SWEAR THEY WERE SCARY AS SHIT. When Jia Ying , Wai Yee and I wanted to run past them , one 'flew' down from the table and freaked me out. ok then when we exit by the back door , we immediately did the lie on the floor and link arms thing but apparently , we did that for quite long and no one appeared. AHAHA.
funny moment part 7: When our group was running towards a new hiding spot me and Jia Ying found, Zhan Li decides to give up and he screamed , IM GIVING UP , IM GOING TO JUST GO TO THE BICYCLE LANE AND PLANK BEHIND THE BUSH and he just stoped and walked towards the bicycle lane. wtf.
funny moment part 8: Bc jy ,wy and I was really too tired from all the running , we decided to sit on the tram and relax ( since no one is allowed to catch us whenever we are on tram ) and whenever we see anyone in luminnous yellow or maroon colored shirt we immediately bend down. Which I find it quite retardedly funny. We are like ostrich. AHAHAH
Spies moment part 1: Carine was so freaking sly. She tried to gain the trust of Vivian and told her not to trust other group and not to alliance bc she didn't want Zenn or Wai Yee to be caught. Then when Zenn was chasing Vivian , she told Vivian to stop running bc she was 'tired' and held on to Vivian's hand for Zenn to rip off the tag.
Spies moment part 2: Zenn hid in the cleaner's room all along bc she thought she wasn't allowed to catch anyone. AHAHA.
Spies moment part 3: Darren asked Carine to keep his elimination card. So Carine took it then ripped Darren's tag. HAHAHAHA
spies moment part 3.1: Second time , Carine ripped Darren's tag and Darren said she ripped the fake one. But actually Carine rip both the fake and the real one. #muchfail
spies moment part 4: My group saw Wai Yee talking to Carine but didn't think much of it and even asked Wai Yee to quickly run away from Carine to avoid anything.
kiampa-wai-yee-spies-moment: So Wai Yee gained all of our trust. When the tag was falling off my back , she thought me to use my rubbberband to tie the tag on my hand. And she helped Jia Ying use her bobby pins to secure her tag. LIKE NOTHING IS HAPPENING. We showed her all of our hiding spots, which is even worse. So on our way back to the start point which we presume 'the game ended' and we were winning since our group has the most number of people. But game only ends when everyone reach start point. On the tram, Wai Yee suddenly asked for Jia Ying's tag to help her check or hold or something. Then she asked for my tag to compare which is more crumpled. At first she tore a little of my tag, but I didn't think much of it and even took out the tag and give it to her. When we got down , we saw Carine and Vivian and we were walking in front of WY. She freaking waved our tags to Carine without us knowing. Kiampa much? Then suddenly she ran and ripped Yeong Meng's tag off and screamed I GOT ALL TAGS. And I was like what didn't the game end? And I totally didn't know that there was a spy. but that moment when I knew there was spies , I wanted to kill the shit out of Wai Yee. For like betraying my trust.
Afterall , its a game. And in fact it bonded the whole class. These funny moments may not sound funny but if you are really there to witness the truth , I swear you would have the same feelings as me. And I felt like I'm going to die in the game. Like my checks was burning and my heart was beating so fast. All the running and hiding. ohmygod. Pictures down below!!

trying to dig out for our tag and wai yee with the middle finger bc she's pissed

Sea shot.


glams and unglams

my group plus Chung Wang. AHAHA




im sorry for scaring you Xing Quan.....

no glams but unglams


walking to tram stationnn


auntie photobomb


" I love crazy "


she didn't want a picture :(

thanks for organzing this outing too!!!!

ass she ditched me to go home ALONE all the way from habourfront
pekchek sia

cig buddies


thanks for 'protecting' your daughter

too drama?

serene mama

best person to take unglams with

thanks for being a great phy leader , not helping us with only phy but chem too! Will work hard for swensen and sakura!!


close enough?


thats the end of my pic spam. You know its rare for me to actually wear contact lens so must spam pics ! ahah. Great company today ! ( technically yesterday) Like what Yan Lin say , the outing woudnt be so successful if no one makes the effort to come ! I hope the next outing is going to be as successful as this the next time , attendence 32/30!!! As for now , lets all work hard for prelims 2 and O's!! Let's go E4 lets go!
My mum told me that secondary school is where you make the best memories and meet friends that will be there for you all the time so make the best out of everything in secondary school life.
the year hasn't end yet,
hasn't graduated yet,
hasn't taken prelim 2 yet,
hasn't taken's o's yet,
hasn't gone for prom yet,
but i'm afraid I'll miss them.
so much love for all of them.
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